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    КЗ "Мануйлівська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів"
    Главная » Файлы » Мои файлы

    07.05.20 Англійська мова 3 клас
    [ Скачать с сервера (11.0 Kb) ] 07.05.2020, 08:24

    Контроль аудіювання 3 клас ІI семестр


    Контроль аудіювання 3 клас

    ІI семестр

    Jim and Betty

    Hello. My name is Jim. I live in London. I am nine. I like reading and playing football. I have got very nice toys. My favorite toys  are a spaceship and a kite. I keep them in the cupboard. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

    This is my sister, Betty. She is seven. Betty likes computer games and listening to music, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.


    1)                What is the boy’s name?                a) Dan;

                                                                    b) Jim;

                                                                    c) Ben;

    2)                How old is Jim?                                 a) Nine;

                                                                       b) Ten;

                                                                       c) Eleven;

          3)  Where does he live?                       a) London;

                                                                       b) Oxford;

                                                                      c) Eastbourne;

         4)  What does he like?                        a) Reading and playing football;

                                                                     b) Riding a bike and swimming;

                                                                     c) Drawing and playing tennis;

       5)  What are his favorite toys?           a) A computer and a toy truck;

                                                                     b) A spaceship and a kite;

                                                                     c) A robot and a plane;

     6)  Where does Jim keep his toys?        a) On the shelf;

                                                                     b) Under the desk;

                                                                    c) In the cupboard;

    7)  What is his sister’s name?                 a) Vicky;

                                                                    b) Bettty;

                                                                    c) Kate;

    8) How old is Betty?                              a) Eight;

                                                                    b) Nine;

                                                                    c) Seven;

    9) What does Betty like?                        a) Computer games and listening to music;

                                                                    b) Reading and drawing;

                                                                    c) Helping at home and singing;

    10) How many dolls does she have?      a) Three;

                                                                    b) Two;

                                                                    c) Four;

    11)  What else does she have got?         a) Balls;

                                                                   b) Puzzles;

                                                                   c) Rabbits;

    12) Where does Betty keep her toys?     a) In the cupboard;

                                                                    b) On her bed;


                                                                    c) In the toy box;

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