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    КЗ "Мануйлівська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів"
    Главная » Файлы » Мои файлы

    07.05.20 Англійська мова 7 клас
    [ Скачать с сервера (12.1 Kb) ] 07.05.2020, 08:33

    АНГЛІЙСЬКа мова

    Підсумковий контроль

    учня (учениці)7 класу

    Варіант 1


    1. Listen to the text «Baseball» and choose the best variants to complete the sentences.

    1) In baseball players must … .

    a) hit a ball with a bat

    b) catch a ball

    c) catch another player

    d) hit another player with a bat

    2) The first real rules of baseball … .

    a) were never written

    b) were written in 1845

    c) were written in 2005

    d) were written in 1745

    3) The first professional team was called … .

    a) Red Baseballers

    b) Black Stockings

    c) White Baseballers

    d) Red Stockings

    4) … there were professional teams in other cities.

    a) Within ten years

    b) Within a few years

    c) Within one year

    d) Within twenty years

    5) In 1903 … decided to have their first-place teams playing with each other.

    a) the two leagues

    b) the two teams

    c) the two players

    d) the two managers

    6) Each year since then the National League winner and … have been playing in

    the World Series.

    a) the British League winner

    b) the Australian League winner

    c) the American League winner

    d) the Canadian League winner

    2. Listen to the story and mark the sentences «True» (T) or «False» (F).

    T F

    1) Baseball is America’s worst sport.

    2) There are two teams in this game.

    3) The players run around four bases.

    4) The team wins that finishes with more runs.

    5) Everybody believes that baseball originated in Great Britain.

    6) The first professional team was organized in the USA.

    3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

    World two businessmen baseball

    1) The early teams were not professional.

    2) The event was called the Series.

    3) teams from New York played a game following

    Cartwright’s rules.

    4) saw that they could make money with

    professional baseball teams.

    4. Give short answers to the following questions.

    1) How many players are there in a baseball team?

    2) Who goes around all the bases?

    3) What city were the teams following Cartwright’s rules from?

    4) How many leagues were there in America


    Baseball is America’s most popular sport. In

    a baseball game there are two teams of nine

    players. Players must hit a ball with a bat and

    then run around four bases. A player who goes

    around all the bases scores a run for his team.

    The team that finishes with more runs wins the


    Where did baseball come from? No one knows

    for sure. Many people believe that the idea came

    from a game played by children in England. Other

    people believe that a man named Abner Doubleday

    invented the game in Cooperstown, New York,

    in 1839. But the first real rules of baseball were

    written in 1845 by Alexander Cartwright. Two

    teams from New York played a game following

    Cartwright’s rules.

    The rules worked well. Soon there were many


    These early teams were not professional. They

    played only for fun, not for money. But baseball

    was very popular from the start. Businessmen

    saw that they could make money with professional

    baseball teams.

    The first professional team was started in 1869.

    This team was the Red Stockings of Cincinnati.

    Within a few years there were professional teams

    in other cities. In 1876 these teams came together

    in a league, or a group, called the National


    The teams in the National League played with

    one another.

    In 1901 a new league called the American League

    was formed. To create some excitement, in 1903

    the two leagues decided to have their first-place

    teams playing with each other. This event was

    called the World Series.

    Each year since then the National League winner

    and the American League winner have been

    playing in the World Series. And, each year,

    millions of people look forward to this exciting

    sports event.

    (From All about the USA)

    Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: srggdzh
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