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    КЗ "Мануйлівська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів"
    Главная » Файлы » Мои файлы

    12.05.20 Англійська мова 9 клас
    12.05.2020, 10:57

    Доброго ранку! Контроль говоріння. Опрацюй питання та підготуйся до онлайн опитування

    Share your opinion. Which discovery will have the

    most important consequences in the future? Why?

    • television;

    • computers;

    • medicines.


    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

    technology has made the world a better place to live? Use

    specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


    Talk about your plans for the future. Include the


    • the place you are going to study at;

    • the profession that is after your heart;

    • what you are going to do to prepare yourself for your



    If you were an employer, which kind of worker would

    you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower

    salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use

    specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


    A company is going to give some money either to

    support the technical innovations or to protect the

    environment. Which do you think the company should

    choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support

    your choice.


    Comment on the statement “Our planet is our home. So

    why are we destroying it?” Include the following:

    • What are the most serious problems with the

    environment nowadays?

    • What can we do to save our planet?


    You are asked about making our cities more

    environmentally friendly. Talk about the following:

    • putting bins on every street corner;

    • planting more trees, creating more parks;

    • improving public transport, using bicycles by people;

    • recycling things.


    Talk about one of the most important environmental

    problems – water pollution. Include the following:

    • How important is clean water in our lives?

    • Do you think people waste water nowadays and what

    they can do to avoid wasting water?

    • What should be done to stop water pollution?


    People in the modern society have to use foreign

    languages in different spheres of life. Talk about the

    importance of learning foreign languages. Include the


    • How does learning a foreign language change you?

    • What are the most effective ways of learning foreign



    Computer use is becoming commonplace around the

    world. Talk about it. Include the following:

    • Do you think computers help society?

    • How do you think computers have changed the world?

    • Do you think computer use can have bad effects on a


    There is a problem of traffic jams in big cities. Give

    your suggestions how to reduce this problem. Talk

    about the following:

    • using cars by many people;

    • improving the system of public transport;

    • using bicycles or walking;

    • possible results of improvements.


    Talk about keeping exotic animals as pets. Include the


    • Is it unfair to keep exotic animals as pets? What are

    some potential complications?

    • Do you believe zoos provide satisfactory habitats for



    Talk about the use of mobile phones. Include this


    • advantages and reasons;

    • disadvantages and reasons;

    • your opinion.


    Talk about the role of science in our society.

    • What scientific inventions have improved our lives?

    • What is the most important invention of the 20th


    • Who are the famous scientists of Ukraine?


    Your friends are going to have the exams soon. Give

    them some advice what to do. Include the following:

    • get some exercises in the fresh air to keep your brain

    working well;

    • get organized with a revision timetable;

    • don’t put off studying for an exam until the night


    • study the important things first;

    • leave some time to relax.


    Talk about the most important inventions of the humanity.

    Include the following:

    • What do you believe is the most important invention

    ever made? How is this item used?

    Use examples to illustrate your point.


    Talk about nature protection. Include this information:

    • describe the problems of the environment;

    • what will happen if we don’t take action;

    • what individuals can do to help;

    • what authorities should do to help.


    A teacher, a policeman, a doctor, a lawyer, the president –

    these are all important jobs for the society. Talk about the

    importance of different professions. Include the following:

    • Why do you think some jobs are more important than the


    • Which jobs do you think are the most important?

    • Do you think people who perform the most important jobs get

    high salaries?


    People often argue: “Is the glass half-full or half-

    empty?” Talk about optimistic and pessimistic views.

    Include the following:

    • When you look forward to the future do you think of

    it positively or negatively?

    • Do you think it is better to be a pessimist or an

    optimist? Why?

    • Do you consider yourself a pessimist or an optimist?


    Some teenagers spend a lot of time playing computer


    • Do you think computer games are dangerous? Why or

    why not?

    • Give example to prove good or bad aspects of playing

    computer games.


    Talk about pros and cons of using the Internet. Include

    the following:

    • availability of the latest information at any time /

    finding information takes a lot of


    • on line shopping / too much advertising;

    • chatting with other people / “chat friends” isn’t the

    same as actual meeting of people.


    Talk about the role of technology in our society.

    • What examples of technology have helped improve our

    lives / have actually made our lives worse?

    • Would you rather live in a world with everything

    entirely dependent on technology or without any

    technology whatever?


    Talk about science. Agree or disagree with the

    statement: “Science will make sure that life is better in

    the future.” Include the following:

    • Will computers become more intelligent than humans

    if science keeps advancing?

    • Will robots be our friends or will they try to take over

    the world?

    • Will scientific inventions improve our life?


    Mobile phones have become a part of our everyday life

    and may even replace face-to-face communication. Talk

    about advantages and disadvantages of using mobile

    phones for communication.


    Talk about keeping animals in zoos. Include this


    • good points;

    • bad points;

    • state your opinion.


    Your pen-friend has asked you what three most important

    qualities a great teacher should have. Talk about it.

    Include the following:

    • What are these qualities? How do these qualities help

    pupils to learn?


    Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: srggdzh
    Просмотров: 186 | Загрузок: 0 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 1
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